Friday, June 5, 2009

Opioids are wonderful things

Hey a new post! Just what you were waiting for!

So my back is jacked again. New herniation at L4-5 the MRI looks much worse than last time. However the symptoms are not yet as severe. I am hoping to manage it medically and fore go surgery for the time being. I am praying that my vacation time will allow the disk to heal before I have to go back to work.

I have been pleasantly surprised at the biochemistry in my body. My reaction to some of the medications that I have been taking has been quite enjoyable. The pain was initially pretty moderate. Being a RN and knowing that I still will be working while medicated... I used ultram to manage my pain symptoms. Ultram is a synthetic opioid, as most drug seekers in the ER will tell you... it is not enough, there is not any relief. Well for me - Not being a drug seeker nor being tolerant to opioid medications, Ultram did help to manage the symptoms without causing a fuzzy head. One nice result was that it improved my mood. Not that I am a moody bastard on a regular basis. But I was happy to find that even with the moderate pain I was having I could still enjoy life. Another psycological effect is that I became friendlier and somewhat dis-inhibited. Not that I started hitting on the women that I work with... But mostly that talked more than I usually do.

So, when the Dr recommended something stronger while I was traveling I was a little bit hesitant at first. Well there was no reason for concern. I have had lortab in the past and thought that percocet would have about the same effect. I was pleased to find that for me percocet did not make me lay there and drool. To the contrary, it helped even more with the pain, and I am happier than I was with the ultram! Cool. Well, don't I sound like a junkie ready to come out of the junkie closet, don't worry too much. I am in the acute phase of the injury and promise it is really the meds talking.

Lets talk about Hawaii- We leave soon. It will be so much fun and I am ready for a vacation.

I have to say something here. So its a family trip. Kind of. I keep hoping that we will get to the airport and surprise! Jer and Leisa and Kids are there. I know it is a long shot. Probably won't happen. But last night Steph and I, were talking about packing. Steph was on a blog, Tink and Taz -- Imagine that. And maybe it was the drugs... but I had an epiphany... It just won't be the same without the Smiths. Where will Jeremy be when I want to say something crass about some lady on the Beach? Jeff just doesn't appreciate the humor the same way Jer does. So to my Leisa, Jer, and Kids... you will be missed and I really wish you were coming with us.

It has to be the drugs.

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I wish we could be there too. I was just feeling okay about not being able to go, but now I want to! UHG! Oh, well. Time off work would be hard to do at this point and I'd have to dig my credit cards out of hiding to pay for anything.

    Yes Jas, you WILL miss us. And it's not just the drugs. Speaking of drugs...if you have any of the lortab or percocet left after you get better, you can send them my way. Those are the only drugs that help my debilitating stomach pain when I get it. Anyway, have a great time (without us) and say those crass things to Kara...she'll appreciated them.
